Welcome! You have reached the landing place for Kestrel’s Nest. Nestled within, you will find Tidal Ceremonies and Kestrel’s Fibre Arts !
We have moved! As of August 2021, my Life-Cycle Celebrant and Fibre Art businesses has been operating from Gabriola Island in British Columbia. I look forward to greeting new client friends on Canada’s Pacific coast.
I am dedicated to creating ceremonies that respect your unique personality and life-style. Weddings and Engagements, Funerals or Celebration of Life, Pregnancies or Baby Blessings, Coming of Age or Graduations, New Business Openings or Retirements, New Home or Leaving Home, Pet Welcomings or Departings … so many things to honour with ceremony. Inclusive and eclectic, I welcome all. Please see some photos and reviews from my client friends in My Ceremony Gallery.
My fiber art reflects this love of ceremony. Reflecting the changing Seasons, the four Elements, and the Goddess in all women, I bring in love of the Earth drawing on decades of study in environmental science. A long-time seamstress, knitter, and quilter, I have taken my creativity into the realm of fiber art. Open to creating commissioned pieces for special life events, I am. Please see photos of current works in My Art Gallery.
Through My Blog I provide offerings of ways to bring ritual into your life to celebrate every day. Bright Blessings to you, Kestrel
Rev. Dr. Karen Arends, Certified Life-Cycle Celebrant and Ordained Minister of the Canadian International Metaphysical Ministry, Member of Western Canada’s Fibre Art Network.