Dates: February 1st to February 8th
Natural Element: Fire
Affirmation: I have the fire to create clarity.
Altar Building: Create a fresh, clean Sacred Space
Home Release: Remove random piles of clutter
Your element this week is Fire. In the Celtic tradition, this is the week of Imbolc. This is a fire festival on that marks the beginning of spring. The Sun is returning to strength and ancient communities honored that time with celebration. How do you notice Fire in your days this week? Let the intention guide your way to clarity and new adventures. Look for Fire in unexpected places and smoldering where you may least expect it.
To begin the process of building your spring altar, first you need to find your space. Select an altar location in your home and clear the space generously. Clean it thoroughly and leaving a fresh blank altar table before you. This week, don’t be tempted to toss your keys there or drop a book for later. Keep it sacred – a blank slate for your altar building.
This first week is all about clearing. So look about your home for the wee piles of stuff that accumulate about us. Perhaps there is a pile of old mail to sort and toss, or a stack of books that never quite made it to a shelf. Take just 15 minutes to get rid of some of this clutter. You will feel better for it. If you can only do the room that houses your spring altar, that’s a great place to start!
If you would like to share your experiences this week, please do! I’m excited to hear about the start of your Journey.