Yule Approaches

Yule is the celebration of the return of the sun as it rounds the corner from the solstice of the longest night of the year.   Of course, we have much winter yet to endure but the lengthening of the days ensures us that spring will return.  So think of this as a season of new light and clarity.  In the northern hemisphere, this is the middle of the dark season – a time when a community celebration is much needed; whether in ancient times or modern, the Yule season is a very welcome event.

Create your own seasonal altar to remind you of the coming light.  Many candles, sparkling ornaments and twinkling lights serve to let your friends and family know that the dark times will pass.  Your decor can include the evergreen plants such as pine, holly, and ivy.  The greens are accented with the red of the holly berry and the white of the mistletoe berry … often seen together as the mistletoe is a parasite plant to the holly tree.  These had symbolized  the blood of the Goddess and the sperm of the God for at this holy-day they come together again in the primordial sense. 

The Earth Goddess is in hibernation at this time, and so this is the season of the God.  The joy at the rebirth of the sun is a pagan model that has transformed into a celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ.  The God is the holly king, the Ghost of Christmas Past from the Dicken’s tale, or Santa Claus – joyful, robust and laughing.   The Goddess is beyond ancient, the wraith, the Ghost of Christmas Future – diaphanous, pale, and fragile.

Yule is a time to count your blessings – the sun is returning and with it hope for renewed clarity and fresh beginnings – mentally and spiritually. Blessed be to you and yours. 

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