Week 2 Spring Awakening: From Fire to Earth

Dates:  February 8th to February 15th

Natural Element:   Earth

Affirmation:   I connect to the Earth and am grounded.

Altar Building:  Find an Altar Stone

Home Release: Fix or get rid of broken things

At this time of year, there may be little soil that you can actually see.  The ground may be covered with snow still.  But perhaps there is a potted plant or a place where an animal has dug a hole.  Use the intention to ground yourself to the whole of the Earth.  Breathe deeply and let your body relax into the ground below you as you exhale.

This week, seek out an altar stone for your table that will represent a small, sacred and personal area where you can work your magic – burn candles, mix herbs, honour items and the like.  It should be flat, fireproof, and easy to clean. If you can find one in nature this is great – but garden centres carry very nice stones.  Or you can make a stone using a mold and concrete. Place it in the centre of your table.

How many times have you said “Oh, I can fix that with a bit of glue and paint.” And then you keep the thing in a closet but never get to it.  Really, you can probably live without it.  Get rid of broken or rickety things this week.  If you really, really think you must fix an item then do it or place a date on your calendar when you will get it done.

Week 1 of Your Spring Awakening Journey: Clarity with Fire

Dates:   February 1st to February 8th

Natural Element:   Fire

Affirmation:   I have the fire to create clarity.

Altar Building:  Create a fresh, clean Sacred Space

Home Release:  Remove random piles of clutter

Your element this week is Fire.  In the Celtic tradition, this is the week of Imbolc.  This is a fire festival on that marks the beginning of spring.  The Sun is returning to strength and ancient communities honored that time with celebration.  How do you notice Fire in your days this week?  Let the intention guide your way to clarity and new adventures.  Look for Fire in unexpected places and smoldering where you may least expect it.

To begin the process of building your spring altar, first you need to find your space.  Select an altar location in your home and clear the space generously.   Clean it thoroughly and leaving a fresh blank altar table before you.  This week, don’t be tempted to toss your keys there or drop a book for later.   Keep it sacred – a blank slate for your altar building.

This first week is all about clearing.  So look about your home for the wee piles of stuff that accumulate about us.  Perhaps there is a pile of old mail to sort and toss, or a stack of books that never quite made it to a shelf.  Take just 15 minutes to get rid of some of this clutter.  You will feel better for it.  If you can only do the room that houses your spring altar, that’s a great place to start!

If you would like to share your experiences this week, please do! I’m excited to hear about the start of your Journey.

Making Space for Abundance

Hello!  You may be asking what will this Journey look like?  Well, each week on Wednesday, you will receive a list and a short paragraph to read.  The list will contain your natural element and a related affirmation.  Perhaps you just read the affirmation to yourself in the morning to get you going, or you can write a paragraph on your thoughts of the message, or even meditate on it – the intensity of the activity is entirely up to you.

Imagine having a personal and meaningful space in your home that gives you peace and joy.  As part of the Journey, you will build a spring altar adding just one piece a week.  By the end, you will have a fresh, lovely spot that takes you into the abundance of summer.  There is no need to run out to a shop and spend money.  In fact, it’s best if you can make every-day things into your special items.  Look in and around your home to see what calls to be used.  This awakens the magic of your personal environment and makes it more connected and meaningful.

Yet, the main purpose of Journey is meant to make space for abundance and most of us just have no room for it.  Our lives are cluttered with obstacles – and some of them are physical.  So, we will make space by releasing one thing from our homes each week.  Spring is a wonderful time for opening the passage ways in your home and allowing fresh energy to shift the feelings.  And remember … these are not tasks, but magical activities.  If you can spend only 5 or 10 minutes a day on the “chore”, you will feel accomplished and more unfettered by week’s end.  Simple!

Are you ready to join me on the Journey to your Spring Awakening?  February 1st is approaching fast.

Your Journey to Spring Awakening

Welcome! This journey will begin February 1st and run through to May’s flowers.  Spring’s awakening transition takes us from first growing light, through the balance of the vernal equinox, and into the passionate fever of the growing season.  Through this exploration, we will be well ready to enter the abundance of summer with relish, prepared to apply ourselves to our dreams, and feel reconnected with the Earth and our Selves.

This is practical magic – weekly activity and contemplation leading to a greater connection to your personal power.  Thirteen weeks, thirteen elements, thirteen actions. Each Wednesday, you will receive a new natural element for your focus.  If you wish to use a journal that is great, but is not required – this is meant to be a fun journey rather than a task to get through.

Take each week in turn. Focus on what you are doing in the given week.  And try not to dwell on what has passed already or wonder about what is to come next week.  Let yourself be in the moment, with intention, each week.

An Invitation to Your Spring Awakening

Welcome!  If you are reading this, you are here because the word “abundance” has triggered something special for you.  The world is full of wonders and perhaps you are seeking a way to fill yourself with abundance.   My big wish is to provide a stepping stone for you to start looking at the world in a different way … a more exhilarating way.

My name is Kestrel – like the little colored falcon.  I will share my story in other messages.  For now, I will tell you that I’ve left a highly intellectual work life to explore new opportunities. I bring my PhD in chemical physics with me, but living my life like a hawk means having the patience to be free of that ego-space. It means accepting my own power. And it also means being serene in the ability to see beyond where most folks stop looking.  It’s taken awhile to get here … a challenging journey of self-exploration.

I am starting this blog to encourage you to join me on a fresh start … a Journey of Spring Awakening.  Each year, many of us walk through the seasons with little thought to their passing.  Years pass and time appears to speed up.   This year, let’s do something different.  Let’s embrace nature’s changes, appreciate ourselves, and take actions that clear the way for that abundance you deserve.

I’m as excited as the electrons here to share this with you.   Will you join me?  The journey begins February 1st!